Revisiting Entex Treatment at Woburn Superfund Site – Six Years Later
In December of 2016 Entex’s Webitat submerged fixed film installation at the Superfund site at Woburn, MA started up. Eighteen Webitat units were installed, anchored on a specially built pier in this lagoon. The original objective was to remove ammonia from the system. While the treatment objectives were complex, involving a formula to include temperature and alkalinity, generally we needed to treat to below 1 mg/l of ammonia.

Phantom Ranch WavTex Installation Announcement
Entex Technologies recently completed an exciting installation of its WavTex Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) system at the Phantom Ranch Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF), located at the base of the Grand Canyon. The Phantom Ranch is a popular destination for hikers and mule riders, attracting thousands of visitors each year.

Entex WavTex Featured in the WEAO Spring 2022 Magazine
Entex’s WavTex IFAS Installation for Peterborough, Ontario was featured in the Spring 2022 Edition of Influents, the official publication of the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO). Complementing the issue’s theme of Innovative and Alternate Treatment Technologies, the article describes a fixed-film WavTex system as an alternate treatment approach from the plant’s previous IFAS configuration consisting of suspended MBBR media.

Solar Powered Biological Wastewater Treatment
Does your wastewater treatment system require energy efficient alternatives for BOD and nutrient removal? If so, Entex’s innovative solar powered WavTexTM module will be a great fit for your system. Featuring our proven EnTextileTM attached growth media, the module utilizes all of the benefits of Entex’s WavTex biological process with none of the operating costs or demands for a local power source.

Entex Replaces Failing 18 MGD MBBR with its WavTex System
The 18 MGD wastewater treatment plant in Peterborough, Ontario had problems with media breakage and washout within their MBBR system. Entex replaced the failing MBBR with their WavTex system in the fall of 2021.

One Year of Successful Treatment at Pax, WV Lagoon
In July of 2020, the 0.65 MGD lagoon system in Pax, WV was upgraded with three floating WavTex modules and two floating Octopus aerators to meet a new effluent requirement of <5 mg/L of ammonia.

DeQuincy, LA Octopus Installation Announcement
The wastewater treatment plant in DeQuincy, LA had an aging aeration system providing poor mixing and treatment. Entex replaced this system with 9 floating Octopus modules. The installation was staged to ensure no interruption in operations.

Of Megadroughts and Infrastructure
Reports that the Western US has entered a megadrought caught my attention. Some say it’s the worst in 1,200 years. How timely that political leaders in Washington are now debating an infrastructure initiative including water and wastewater. I couldn’t help but correlate this news with anthropologist’s conclusions that the last

In Defense of the Humble Lagoon
Imagine for a moment that you are a heterotrophic bacterium and you have the good fortune to be floating amidst municipal sewage in a wastewater treatment plant. You have a steady supply of food, someone is blowing fresh air through your water and also is looking after your needs on things like pH and nutrients. For the next twelve hours or so,

Protecting Public Health and the Environment One Small Town at a Time
Vice President of Engineering, Jeff Danner, discusses how Entex’s work on even the most rural wastewater facilities carries out the Water Environment Federation’s mission of protecting public health and the environment.

Wastewater Testing for COVID-19
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, I have been noticing reports of the detection of the novel corona virus in wastewater and the potential utility in monitoring it as public health tool. The U.S. CDC has been following these results as well and has published official guidance on wastewater surveillance testing.

Complete Your Aeration or Biological System with Entex Blowers
In serving both our municipal and industrial customers, Entex works with a wide variety of systems with different needs, limits, and challenges. One need that all of these systems have in common is air. Whether airflow is distributed through coarse or fine bubble diffusers or through one of our fixed-film media systems, a well

Okeechobee, FL WavTex Installation Announcement
The Blue Cypress Golf & RV Resort needed a new wastewater plant capable of treating 50,000 gpd. Entex, in partnership with Galene Water Treatment, incorporated our patented WavTex system in their FRP packaged plant to meet permit limits of < 15 mg/L of BOD5 and < 6 mg/L of TKN. High seasonal load variations provided additional challenges.

A Tale of Two Lagoons Part III: Nutrient Removal and Disappearing Algae
Entex installed a floating WavTex and Octopus system in the Pax, WV wastewater treatment lagoon in late July 2020. Just 2 months after the installation, the plant operator has reported that the floating duckweed had been steadily disappearing, the suspended algae was gone, the green tint in the effluent had gone away, and that he was surprised to be able to see the gravel on the slope of the lagoon floor.

International Building Products Webitat Installation Announcement
The wastewater treatment lagoons at an International Building Products Company needed to meet their effluent ammonia limits for direct outfall. Entex replaced four broken Ringlace-style modules with just two Webitat modules. The Webitats are made from 304L stainless steel and hosts high surface area, nearly indestructible BioWeb media.

Entex Applies its Biofilm Expertise to Introduce BioTex™ MBBR Media
Entex is pleased to announce our introduction of a major MBBR innovation with the launch of our patent pending BioTex system. BioTex is a major evolution providing industry leading cost/performance metrics.

A Journey from the Clean Water Act to Covid-19 World: A Life Spent Engineering Clean Water Solutions
From the Clean Water Act to the new Covid-19 world, Executive Vice President Dick Pehrson has seen it all in his water and wastewater career spanning seven decades.

Pax, WV WavTex™ and Octopus™ Installation Announcement
The wastewater treatment lagoon in Pax, WV was upgraded using Entex’s SFF WavTex and Octopus aeration system in order to meet its permit limits of <5 mg/L of BOD5 and <2 mg/L of NH3-N.

US Patent Office Recognizes Another Entex Innovation
On June 9th Entex was issued a patent for our WavTexTM fixed-film secondary treatment system and innovative EnTextileTM growth media, System and Method for Biologically Treating Wastewater Using Low Density, High Surface Area Substrates.

Saving Energy and the Environment on the Gulf Coast
A chemical plant in the gulf coast faced several challenges in their wastewater plant. They routinely experienced high-strength influent with TKNs as high as 450 mg/L and CODs of over 5,000 mg/L.

Webitats in Wintertime: Rockford, OH
When friends or family ask me how a wastewater treatment plant works, I often start by telling them that the process is fundamentally the same as what happens in any pond, river, lake, or stream. The bacteria eat the waste while using up oxygen and they do it faster if it is warmer. Given that we know that the most important parameters in treating the