Solar Powered Biological Wastewater Treatment

Solar Powered WavTex

Entex’s Innovative Solar Powered WavTexTM Module

Does your wastewater treatment system require energy efficient alternatives for BOD and nutrient removal? If so, Entex’s innovative solar powered WavTexTM module will be a great fit for your system. Featuring our proven EnTextileTM attached growth media, the module utilizes all of the benefits of Entex’s WavTex biological process with none of the operating costs or demands for a local power source. With the solar powered system, no blower building, air distribution piping or valving is required since the blower and the solar panels are mounted on the floating WavTex module. It provides BOD treatment, nitrification and denitrification. These modules may be easily moved around the wastewater pond as needed.

EnTextile Biological Attached Growth Media Under Aeration

The system utilizes beneficial microbiology that attaches to the EnTextile media to clean wastewater. This microbiology digests the waste, converting carbon waste into water and carbon dioxide, and ammonia waste into atmospheric nitrogen. During the day, the energy collected by the solar panels power the blower, providing the air to consume carbon waste and to convert the ammonia waste into nitrate.

During the night, with no power to drive the blowers, the microorganisms are forced to strip the oxygen from the nitrate molecules generated during daylight conversion of ammonia to continue feeding on the carbon waste, leaving atmospheric nitrogen. The system continues providing treatment during the night, and even with cloudy days.

Unlike other in-pond systems, this alternating daylight/nighttime process completely converts ammonia to atmospheric nitrogen, providing complete nutrient removal. The system provides BOD removal, nitrification and denitrification. Even where denitrification is not required, this cycle saves energy by recovering oxygen plus restoring alkalinity needed for nitrification. Thus, the cycle maximizes the high efficiency and effectiveness of the process. It also provides excellent mixing and additional dissolved oxygen to the rest of the lagoon or pond.

How the Solar WavTex System Treats Wastewater Daytime and Nighttime

These modules can be used alone, or with additional modules depending on the amount of treatment required. They can be readily moved within the pond as each unit is floating. No regular maintenance is required for the media or aeration, and only standard lubrication maintenance is needed for the blower.

These energy efficient modules are ideal for remote wastewater treatment lagoons, hog lagoons, winery lagoons and other applications. Clean water ponds looking to reduce algae blooms may also benefit from complete removal of nitrogen nutrients from the water.

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Floating WavTex Module Ready for Installation in Wastewater Lagoon

These high-performance, low-cost modules are available for purchase or lease from Entex. The Solar WavTex module is protected by patents, and patents pending. Call us or find us online at

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