Welcome To Entex News

Entex- team photo at weftec

Here you will find up-to-date stories and opinions on all things related to our company, our people, and our passion: the global water environment. We would love to hear your thoughts on the various topics we will cover here, some personal and some impacting everyone.

Entex is thriving and growing as we embark on our 7th year of operations. We recently hired a new engineer, Phil Beecher, who we will tell you more about in an upcoming post. If you’ve been familiar with Entex for any length of time you probably know we recently added an entire new product line, our FlowTex Filtration Systems, headed up by Heidi Rupp. We continue to be actively involved in advancing cutting edge technologies in the wastewater treatment industry through research partnerships, publications and presentations at a wide variety of technical conferences.

Clean water and people are what we care about and we hope you’ll join our blog community to share with us what you care about too!

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