Rockford, OH Webitat Installation Announcement

Rockford Webitat Installation

The wastewater treatment lagoons in Rockford, OH were upgraded using Entex’s SFF Webitat system in order to meet its new permit limits of <13 mg/L of Ammonia in the winter (4 C) and <5 mg/L in the summer.

Seven Webitat modules with BioWeb fixed media were installed in the lagoons in March 2019. The modules were placed on the lagoon floor with beveled tray bases to protect the liner and were connected to the air header with floating hoses. The system will provide 20+ years of maintenance-free operation.


O.45 MGD Lagoon Retrofit for NH3-N control.

Entex Solution

Seven Webitat modules installed within the two lagoons.


<13 mg/L NH3-N in winter (4 C ).

<5 mg/L NH3-N in summer.

Download: Rockford, OH Webitat Installation Announcement
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