Middletown, DE Webitat™ Installation Announcement

Middletown Webitat Installation

The rapidly growing Town of Middletown, DE needed a new 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment system to achieve effluent limits of < 2 mg/L ammonia and < 10 mg/L Total Nitrogen (TN) prior to application to the rapid infiltration basins (RIBs).

In December of 2019 twelve Webitat modules were installed in the aerated tank and eight were installed in two subsequent anoxic channels. The total of 20 Webitat modules provided over 110,000 ft2 of BioWeb media necessary for nitrification-denitrification. Entex supplied blowers, pumps, controls, instrumentation and valves for the Webitat system.



1.0 MGD nitrification-denitrification system for pretreatment of RIBs.

Entex Solution

Webitat system for biological treatment (twelve aerobic and eight anoxic modules).


  • < 2 mg/L NH3-N
  • < 10 mg/L TN
Download: Middletown, DE Installation Announcement
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