Follow Entex On Twitter and LinkedIn!

Social media is a powerful tool that allows people, organizations and companies to connect and engage with their communities much more immediately and more intimately. While blog posts and news releases are one way that we at Entex can get the word about about the exciting work that we’re doing, we also post short and more frequent updates to Twitter. From the Entex Twitter account we also connect with the water industry as a whole to stay abreast of current events and technology and we amplify a lot of interesting articles and tweets from other water industry leaders. Here’s an example:

You can also view more information about our company and our employees via our company LinkedIn page. This page tells a bit about Entex as a company, shows our Tweets and locations, and you can view a bit more personal information about some of our employees by clicking through to their personal LinkedIn profiles. Through LinkedIn we are connected to hundreds (maybe thousands!) of other water and wastewater industry   professionals, from engineers to academics to manufacturer’s reps and more. We also participate in some LinkedIn professional group discussions regarding new technologies and issues in the water quality field.

Why not follow Entex Technologies on Twitter and LinkedIn today? Join us and let us know what you think!

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