
FlowTex™ Pine Creek, PA

In 2012, Pine Creek Municipal Authority completed the upgrade of their existing facility with a new SCADA System, Headworks, 3 SBRs, a 3.75 MGD 9-disc FlowTex Disc Filter, and 3 UV Systems. The plant was upgraded to increase capacity and meet the Chesapeake Bay nutrient discharge requirements for total nitrogen and phosphorus.

The 9-disc filter installed at Pine Creek includes a single tank with 3 independent 3-disc systems. This built-in redundancy allows the plant to meet the average design flow with 1 system out of operation, a distinct advantage compared to other tertiary filters.

Since startup, the filter has exceeded expectations with effluent TSS well below the permit requirement and often non-detect. Phosphorus is removed using alum, and the filter captures the suspended portion of the Total Phosphorus. Influent Phosphorus averages 4–5 mg/L and effluent Phosphorus below 0.2 mg/L.

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Download: Pine Creek Municipal Authority